hpad® IDEA Framework

Intelligent DEEP Enterprise Architecture 

A digital approach to harness the architecture of the whole enterprise

Providing SMEs Methods & Tools to teach AI to build holistic Enterprise Models
based on their understanding (mental models) and
enable AI to understand and analyze the domain in ways similar to those of SMEs

Mental MODEL

hpad’s Model-First approach enables AI to learn and understand the enterprise or a specific domain from the perspective of Business Leaders & SMEs and create digital models reflecting their knowledge and understanding (Mental Models) of the enterprise.


Using a layered approach, the SME-driven IDEA Workbench interacts with AI to teach it domain-specific concepts, strategies, and algorithms that enable the modeling of the domain operating model and domain-specific SME analysis assisted by AI.



Model-First provides a generalized and reusable approach, applicable to any industry. Combined with simulation and digital twin technologies, the enterprise model can enable the planning and execution of digital transformations driven by business leaders and domain SMEs.


IDEA’s modular framework supports incremental and iterative modeling of the enterprise allowing an enterprise’s digital transformation to begin in any domain in a small way and then be extended throughout the enterprise, sequentially or in a parallel fashion.